Food Heaven

Lets talk food heaven right now.

If like me after work, you are feeling lazy, then this is the delightfully delicious end to your day- Prawn Linguini by the lazy prawn.

This great meal is made in minutes & is so guilty it’s right. You will need:

x 3 garlic cloves
x 1 red onion
x 1 whole lemon
Fresh red chilli- quantity is completely up to you but I love spice so I threw in a couple.
Fresh king prawns
Italian linguini
Olive Oil
Carnation ‘Cook with it Crème’ (trust me its awesome)
Fresh Corriander
Prawn Linguini

This easy peasy meals starts with dolloping olive oil into a hot frying pan. Fry off finely chopped garlic & red onion until soft or slightly caramelised. Once ready throw in the chopped red chilli’s (seeds optional if your feeling brave) and then add the fresh king prawns. If you don’t just want to top your creation with coriander why not add some finely chopped to the prawns while they cook.

The prawns won’t need to fry for long but while you wait, place your Italian linguini in a pan of boiling water with a splash on olive oil for the perfect Italian pasta taste. Cook for approximately 10 minutes. If you hob is hormonal then throw it against your wall and see what happens.

Chop the lemon in half and give it a good squeeze on the frying prawns. add half of the Carnation Cook With It Crème and simmer until it thickens. If you cooking for more than two then you will probably need to use more. While it is simmering add plenty of pepper to season. The great thing about this recipe is that you wont need to add any extra salt!

Once your delightful sauce has thickened & you have checked the linguini on your wall is cooked, you are ready to serve. Add a sprinkling of chopped coriander for display as well as taste & you are ready to dazzle!

So simply, but it is certainly something that has to be shared!
I hope you enjoy & everyone praises you for your culinary genius

Felicity x.